
My doggy Cody : )!!!

Hey ya'll this is my dog cody! He is the cutest dog in the universe!!!! He's a west highland terrior and hes extremly hiper lol. He freaks out when someone walks in the door but he warms up and becomes the dog from heaven. (HA YEA RIGHT). Anyway I still love him to death he's awesome;)!!!!!!

his sunbathing spot

sleeping with my favorite stuffed animal
still sleepin


Alyssa said...

ok my dog is the CUTEST dog ever ever ever!!!!!

Gracie said...

Cody is very cute! The cutest smallest dog and mine is the cutest biggest dog! I mean BIG DOG!!! Ha ha lol! You blog is off to a great start. Just a few adjustments and we got in made! Hah ha! Call me this afternoon I did more comments down below! Love ya!

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